Video & Audio

November 8, 2010
Lawyers involved in California’s Proposition 8 litigation debated a recent federal court ruling striking down a state ban on same-sex marriage before a packed Caplin Pavilion on Nov. 8.
Adam Heyman '03
November 4, 2010
Adam Heyman '03 discussed his work using advocacy and direct representation to benefit communities here and overseas, and how students can use their law degree and legal training to work abroad in unexpected settings.
Professor Frederick Schauer
November 2, 2010
Experts discussed the "eclectic objection" at the Virginia Law Review Symposium on Free Speech. The panelists included: Vincent Blasi, Professor of Law, Columbia Law School; Frederick Schauer, Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law; Steven H. Shiffrin, Professor of Law, Cornell University Law School; Eugene Volokh, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law. Afterward, Robert C. Post, Dean and Professor of Law, Yale Law School; and James Weinstein, Professor of Law, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, responded. Professor Lillian Bevier moderated the event
Panel discussion
October 27, 2010
A panel discussed the rights in education for marginalized and vulnerable groups during the Human Rights in Education Symposium at the University of Virginia School of Law on Oct. 15. The panelists included: Nina Rabin of the University of Arizona Southwest Institute for Research on Women, Salim Vally of the University of Johannesburg, and Ellen-Rose Kambel of the Association of Indigenous Village Leaders in Suriname.
John Norton Moore
October 21, 2010
Faculty members describe the Law School's International Law course offerings for the January Term 2011 and Spring 2011 term.
October 15, 2010
Smitha Dante '10 discusses the Presidential Management Fellows Program.
Climate Change Panel
October 15, 2010
The ongoing debate over man-made global warming came to Caplin Pavilion on Oct. 11, as skeptics and advocates discussed the science and policy implications of climate change.
Jim Ryan
October 4, 2010
Professor James Ryan appeared Monday in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of a client of the Law School’s Supreme Court Litigation Clinic.
Haiti Panel
September 24, 2010
Haitian women are particularly vulnerable to violence and attack in the wake of January’s devastating earthquake, according to a panel of experts who spoke at the Law School.
A. E. Dick Howard
September 24, 2010
Professor A.E. Dick Howard presents an information session on the Law School's study abroad programs.
September 21, 2010
Michael Walker, senior enforcement counsel for administrative litigation in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, discussed how to find summer internships and permanent positions in environmental law.
A. E. Dick Howard
September 17, 2010
The U.S. Supreme Court continued its recent conservative trend during the past term, Professor A. E. Dick Howard said Wednesday during the annual Supreme Court Roundup.
September 9, 2010
Professor Julia Mahoney moderated a panel discussion on the constitutionality of the recent health care reform legislation featuring professors Elizabeth Magill and Frederick Schauer, as well as Ilya Shapiro, a senior fellow of the Cato Institute.
September 7, 2010
James Ridgway '97, a member of the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association Board of Governors, gave a presentation on the work of the USCAVC and discussed internship and postgraduate opportunities in the field of veterans affairs.
Angela Ciolfi
August 16, 2010
Angela Ciolfi '03, a child advocacy lawyer and legal director of JustChildren, a program of the Legal Aid Justice Center, welcomed first-year, transfer and exchange students to the Law School on Aug. 16.
Sheldon Whitehouse
May 25, 2010
Unforeseen and unimaginable opportunities await newly minted lawyers, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse ’82 told the Class of 2010 during the Law School commencement ceremony Sunday.
Barry Cushman
May 19, 2010
Political leaders and the judiciary in the late 19th and early 20th centuries struggled to determine the constitutional implications of antislavery, “free labor” ideology, Professor Barry Cushman said Wednesday during a lecture marking his appointment as James Monroe Distinguished Professor.
Lillian BeVier
May 10, 2010
When Lillian BeVier entered law school in California in 1961 she was one of five females in her class. By the time she finished teaching her last lecture at the University of Virginia School of Law this semester, women made up nearly half of the first-year class.
Frederick Schauer
May 4, 2010
Professor Frederick Schauer examined whether thinking like a lawyer is unique to the legal profession at an alumni luncheon on April 30. Schauer is a David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Virginia.
Philip K. Howard
April 20, 2010
The law favors the individual at the expense of society, Philip K. Howard ’74 said Tuesday at a lecture sponsored by the Student Legal Forum.
April 19, 2010
Nestor Gounaris ’01, principal at China Solutions with 11 years of experience in China, spoke at the McIntire School Global Initiative’s Spring Symposium , "China's Emergence and the Transformation of Global Commerce."
April 15, 2010
Third-year law students Alex Ibrahim and John Moran won the 81st Annual William Minor Lile Moot Court Competition, a Law School tradition in which 175 contestants competed over the course of two years.
Janet Napolitano
April 15, 2010
Spending time in private law practice before turning to public service is a legal tradition that goes back to the University of Virginia’s founder, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano ‘83 told Law School students Tuesday.
Jim Donovan
April 12, 2010
Jim Donovan of Goldman Sachs, an adjunct professor, discusses common traits of the best lawyers during a Career Services event.