Video & Audio

Anne Coughlin
April 13, 2011
Professor Anne Coughlin offers advice and support to graduating students during the Charge to the Class of 2011 in Caplin Pavilion on April 13.
April 8, 2011
Florida State University law professor Dan Markel discussed the role of morality in criminal law during the inaugural Virginia Journal of Criminal Law symposium on April 7.
Nadine Strossen
April 7, 2011
Nadine Strossen, former president of the American Civil Liberties Union, delivered the 13th annual Henry J. Abraham Distinguished Lecture at the University of Virginia School of Law.
DeMaurice Smith
April 1, 2011
NFL players turned down the “worst deal in professional sports” last month and are now bearing the brunt of the owners’ lockout strategy, said NFL Players Association head DeMaurice Smith ’89 during a talk Thursday at the Darden School of Business.
Len Nichols
April 1, 2011
Len Nichols, an expert in national health policy, spoke at the Law School as part of a series focused on health care reform.
April 1, 2011
Professor Douglas Laycock joined Kim Colby, counsel for the Christian Legal Society, and Scott Ballenger '96, counsel for Martinez, to discuss the recent Supreme Court case CLS v. Martinez. Professor Barbara Armacost moderated.
Mark Stancil
March 30, 2011
Mark Stancil, an instructor for the Supreme Court Litigation Clinic and a 1999 graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law, discusses the yearlong course at an open house for admitted students.
March 29, 2011
Susan Butler Plum, director of the Skadden Fellowship Foundation, led a panel of Skadden fellows in a discussion of the fellowship and the application process.
March 24, 2011
Panelists Marc Elias, Trevor Potter and John Samples discuss the impact of the Citizens United decision.
Tomiko Brown-Nagin
March 18, 2011
Harvard Law Professor Kenneth Mack, Anthony V. Alfieri of the University of Miami School of Law and Professor Risa Goluboff discussed Professor Tomiko Brown-Nagin's new book, "Courage to Dissent: Atlanta and the Long History of the Civil Rights Movement," during a recent panel.
Paul Stephan
March 18, 2011
Panelists Dean Paul G. Mahoney and Professor Paul Stephan joined Professor Todd Zywicki of George Mason University School of Law for a panel discussion on the role of the courts in an uncertain economic climate as part of the Federalist Society's 30th Annual Student Symposium.
Randall Guynn and Paul Mahoney
March 4, 2011
Dean Paul Mahoney and Randall Guynn '84, head of Davis Polk's Financial Institutions Group, debate the inevitability of bailouts.
Panel poster
February 28, 2011
A “winner-take-all” philosophy pervading our culture has resulted in disproportionate executive compensation and has demoralized Americans seeking to improve their economic status, according to Walter Bardenwerper ’76, a panelist at the Fifth Annual Virginia Law & Business Review Symposium.
Boudin poster
February 25, 2011
Judge Michael Boudin delivered the McCorkle Lecture in Caplin Pavilion on Feb. 24
Lt. Comm. John B. Reese, Thomas Nachbar and Colette Rausch
February 22, 2011
Panelists Colette Rausch, Lt. Comm. John B. Reese and Professor Thomas Nachbar discussed the role of security forces in promoting the rule of law at the J.B. Moore Society of International Law's 60th Anniversary symposium on Feb. 18. Professor John Setear moderated.
Tim Heaphy
February 16, 2011
U.S. Attorney Heaphy Delivers Keynote at Conference on Public Service and the Law
Peggy Nicholson
February 11, 2011
The Law School has named third-year law student Peggy Nicholson the 10th Powell Fellow, an honor that will fund her work on behalf of children in the juvenile justice system in North Carolina.
Clayborne Carson
January 19, 2011
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. should be remembered as a symbol of a worldwide social movement, not just as a civil rights leader, a leading King scholar and historian said Monday at the Law School.
Jeree Harris '11
December 10, 2010
Two third-year University of Virginia Law School students have been named recipients of prestigious, nationally competitive public service law fellowships.
Leah Ward Sears LL.M. ‘95
December 3, 2010
American law and public policy must encourage marriage, former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears LL.M. ‘95 said at the Law School Wednesday.
Anne Coughlin
December 1, 2010
Professor Anne Coughlin discussed law school exams and study strategies on Nov. 30 at an event sponsored by Women of Color.
Michael Klarman
November 22, 2010
Landmark court decisions on contentious social issues such as abortion and the death penalty have created public backlash against the causes they seemed to advance, Harvard Law School Professor Michael Klarman said last week.
Caleb Nelson
November 19, 2010
Lawmakers’ intentions are not irrelevant to statutory interpretation, contrary to the rhetoric of some legal thinkers, Professor Caleb Nelson said last week.
Tomiko Brown-Nagin
November 11, 2010
Charlottesville City Councilor Kristin Szakos and Professor Tomiko Brown-Nagin discussed racial and income-based inequalities in education on Nov. 11 at the Law School.
Robert Turner
November 9, 2010
Armed conflict goes where the enemy goes regardless of geopolitical boundaries, according to a panel of experts discussing the use of unmanned drones in the war on terror.