News Archive

February 27, 2007
Adopting a policy of cruelty towards its detainees will have a devastating effect on the United States, said Alberto J. Mora, former general counsel to the Department of the Navy, in a keynote address at the J.B. Moore Society of International Law Symposium, “International Law at a Crossroads,” hosted by the Law School and the Miller Center of Public Affairs Feb. 23.
September 13, 2006
After a toughly worded opinion from the Supreme Court slapping down the Bush administration’s detention of terrorism suspects without criminal charges, the president’s response, a Military Commissions Bill, also looks problematic and likely will not be acted on in the current congressional session, said panelists at a Law School event Sept. 6.
September 15, 2004
The Supreme Court left the door open for prosecution of international human rights violators in U.S. civil courts and reaffirmed prior lower court decisions with its Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain decision, according to a panel of legal experts who spoke at the Law School Sept. 10, but the future of such litigation remains unclear without legislation dictating a framework to decide such cases, some panelists argued.