Video & Audio

February 7, 2008
Prof. Klarman lectures about his newly released book, "Unfinished Business."
February 7, 2008
Fran Hawthorne, author of "Inside the FDA: The Business and Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and the Food We Eat," talks about the influence of PHARMA on drug trials.
Mary Leary
February 5, 2008
It’s a crime in which the victim is also the criminal—so whom do you prosecute? Underage youths who exploit themselves online can be subject to criminal pornography charges, explained child abuse expert Mary Leary at a Law School event Feb. 5, but so far courts are applying the law unevenly.
January 31, 2008
Peter Barton Hutt, senior counsel for Covington & Burling, LLP, and former chief counsel of the FDA discusses the state of science at the Food and Drug Administration.
December 19, 2007
Narrated by Professors Molly Bishop and George Cohen, the Newscast highlights Law School news and events from the fall 2007 semester.
November 26, 2007
Lynne Traverse, recruiting manager at Bryan Cave, provided valuable tips on how to prepare a cover letter, resume, and writing sample to help land that job. She also offered advice on how to make a great impression during interviews.
November 13, 2007
A debate on same-sex marriage and adoption brought a standing-room-only crowd to Caplin Pavilion Nov. 13, as Virginia law professor Kim Forde-Mazrui and Professor Lynn Wardle from the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University faced off on one of the most contentious issues in family law.
John Smatlak
November 2, 2007
Environmental advocates spoke out against towering power lines they hope won’t become the new symbol of rapid development in Northern Virginia, during the Virginia Environmental Law Journal’s Fall Symposium Nov. 2.
October 30, 2007
Michael R. Taylor, a professor at George Washington University and former FDA deputy commissioner for Policy and administrator of USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, spoke about food safety and the FDA.
Byron Marchant
October 30, 2007
Virginia’s strong business law curriculum has yielded many alumni who have pursued jobs as general counsels, and several returned to the Law School Oct. 19 to discuss their experiences and offer advice to students.
William Stuntz
October 29, 2007
Twice in American history the imprisonment rate in the United States has exploded. These explosions in the rate that people are incarcerated correlates with two crusades by the theologically conservative Protestant church against vice, argued William J. Stuntz '85 at the Meador Lecture Oct. 18.
Chuck Cory
October 25, 2007
On Oct. 11 and 12, alumni from across the country convened for the Law School’s Business Advisory Council meetings. The Business Advisory Council is an alumni group designed to foster and encourage interaction between the Law School and alumni who have left the practice of law for opportunities in the business sector.
Mary Porter
October 25, 2007
On Oct. 11 and 12, alumni from across the country convened for the Law School’s Business Advisory Council meetings. The Business Advisory Council is an alumni group designed to foster and encourage interaction between the Law School and alumni who have left the practice of law for opportunities in the business sector.
October 24, 2007
William K Hubbard, former senior associate commissioner of the FDA and senior advisor to the Coalition for a Stronger FDA spoke about the implications of new legislation and issues surrounding the importation of food and drugs.
October 23, 2007
Two bar exam prep course representatives discussed the bar, the timeline, and all relevant information needed to start considering post-graduation bar review.
James Cooney
October 18, 2007
A year ago this month, James P. Cooney III ’82 was in the middle of a jury trial, defending a hospital in a wrongful death action, when an old friend called to ask him to take on another case. “You will never have a more innocent client,” Cooney recalls being told by Joseph Cheshire.
October 17, 2007
Seattle public defender John Drenning '99 spoke about the use of narrative to craft winning trial strategies. The talk was intended for anyone who would like to package information for jurors more effectively, or hone the persuasiveness of their argumentation.
October 16, 2007
Paul Ruxin '68, a partner at Jones Day, spoke to law students about how literature made his life better and made him a better lawyer. His personal collection of the works of Samuel Johnson, James Boswell and their circle is among the most complete collection in private hands in the world.
Richard Cooper
October 12, 2007
Law school students gathered on Oct. 4 to witness a debate between Scott Ballenger, counsel for Abigail Alliance, and Richard Cooper, former chief counsel for the FDA, on whether or not terminally ill patients have a constitutional right of access to developmental drugs.
Brandon Garrett
October 2, 2007
Professor Brandon Garrett spoke about his groundbreaking research on DNA testing to prove wrongful convictions and the U.S. criminal justice system’s faulty appeals process at a Sept. 24 event at the Law School.
Peter Rubin
October 2, 2007
Peter Rubin, founder of the American Constitution Society and professor of law at the Georgetown University Law Center, moderated a discussion with two 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judges regarding judicial decisions made at the appeals court level.
September 27, 2007
Susan Sawtelle '81, managing associate general counsel at the U.S. Government Accountability Office Office (GAO), talked to students about why the GAO remains one of the most attractive federal government employers for law students.
Richard Banks
September 26, 2007
Richard Banks, a law professor at Stanford, spoke to Law School students Sept. 21 about the problems that arise from the blurred boundary between discriminatory racial profiling and the more acceptable suspect description reliance in the post Sept. 11 world.
George Yin
September 21, 2007
Professor George Yin, recently named the inaugural Edwin S. Cohen Distinguished Professor of Taxation and Law, argued that temporary-effect legislation rather than permanent legislation facilitates fiscal responsibility in Congress during his chair lecture in Caplin Pavilion, Sept. 12.
A. E. Dick Howard
September 21, 2007
The 6th annual Supreme Court Round-Up, sponsored by the Student Legal Forum, played to a packed Caplin Pavilion audience and featured a panel of Law School professors moderated by Professor A.E. Dick Howard.