Video & Audio

Cordel Faulk
August 18, 2014
Cordel Faulk '01, interim assistant dean for admissions at the University of Virginia School of Law, welcomed the Class of 2017 at orientation on Aug. 18.
June 13, 2014
Former NATO weapons of mass destruction policy official Guy Roberts spoke at the UVA Law National Security Law Institute on June 10 about combatting proliferation.
Dean Paul Mahoney
June 3, 2014
University of Virginia School of Law Dean Paul Mahoney discusses the past school year at Law Alumni Weekend on May 10, 2014.
Representative Joseph P. Kennedy III and Dean Paul Mahoney
May 21, 2014
Dean Paul G. Mahoney, U.S. Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III and SBA President Brian Park deliver remarks at the University of Virginia School of Law's 2014 commencement ceremony.
Richard Schragger
April 22, 2014
University of Virginia School of Law Professor Richard C. Schragger discussed the limits and possibilities for city power and governance in an April 17 chair lecture marking his appointment as Perre Bowen Professor of Law.
Gregory Mitchell
April 17, 2014
Professor Greg Mitchell shared 10 tips for success in his Charge to the Class of 2014 on April 15.
Kenneth R. Feinberg
April 15, 2014
Kenneth R. Feinberg, the 2014 recipient of Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Law, delivered a talk titled "Unconventional Responses to Unique Catastrophes: Tailoring the Law to Meet the Challenges" on April 11 at the University of Virginia School of Law.
April 14, 2014
Engaged couple Kevin Richards and Grace Bielawski, third-year students at the University of Virginia School of Law, won the school's 85th Lile Moot Court Competition on April 5.
Bob Bauer
April 11, 2014
Bob Bauer and Ben Ginsburg, co-chairs of the Presidential Commission on Elections, discuss their recent report on voting issues.
Mohammad Al Abdullah and Balkees Jarrah
April 10, 2014
Mohammad Al Abdullah, Syria Justice and Accountability Center and Balkees Jarrah of the International Justice Program and Human Rights Watch spoke about transitional justice in Syria.
Judge Robert Shelby
April 10, 2014
Judge Robert Shelby '98 provided insights into the confirmation process and his first two years as a federal district judge.
Marcia Coyle
April 8, 2014
Marcia Coyle, the chief Washington correspondent for The National Law Journal, a national weekly newspaper that covers law and litigation, delivered the Henry J. Abraham Distinguished Lecture on April 4, 2014, at the University of Virginia School of Law.
Justice Myron T. Steele
April 5, 2014
Myron T. Steele '70, recently retired chief justice of the Supreme Court of Delaware, addresses corporate governance in the wake of corporate collapses in the past decade during a Feb. 21 talk at the University of Virginia School of Law. Steele's talk was the keynote during this year's Virginia Law and Business Review symposium, which covered a wide range of corporate governance issues.
VLR Centennial Panel
April 3, 2014
UVA Law professor Paul B. Stephan, an expert in international business and legal systems, moderated a March 28 discussion at the University of Virginia School of Law on the article "The Law of Nations as Constitutional Law," which was published by the Virginia Law Review in 2012.
Barbara Armacost
March 24, 2014
UVA Law Professors Barbara E. Armacost, Douglas Laycock and Richard C. Schragger give their take on the Hobby Lobby contraceptive case before the Supreme Court.
Nina Morrison
March 12, 2014
Nina Morrison, senior staff attorney for the Innocence Project at Yeshiva University's Cardozo School of Law, talks about the highly publicized case of Texan Michael Morton during her Feb. 26 keynote address at the Virginia Journal of Criminal Law's annual symposium.
March 6, 2014
Hassane Cissé, deputy general counsel, knowledge and research for World Bank, delivered the keynote address for "Crossing Borders: Rethinking International Development," a Feb. 24 symposium held at the University of Virginia School of Law.
Nat Sec Law Panel
February 27, 2014
Despite the nation’s decreasing emphasis on war, jobs for lawyers in national security will continue to exist in significant numbers and graduates who are patient and flexible with their careers can get the jobs, top advisers told University of Virginia School of Law students during a Feb. 17 career panel.
Linda Fairstein
February 27, 2014
Linda Fairstein '72 speaks on her career as a prosecutor and author.
Kelly Abrams and Nancy Polikoff
February 26, 2014
Professors Kerry Abrams and Deborah Hellman of the University of Virginia School of Law and professor Nancy Polikoff of the American University Washington College of Law spoke at UVA Law on Feb. 19 regarding the impact of United States v. Windsor.
Hans von Spakovsky
February 20, 2014
UVA Law Professor Kim Forde-Mazrui and the Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky discuss the current state of affirmative action in the United States from differing perspectives.
Staci Riordan
February 10, 2014
Staci Riordan, partner and chair of the Fashion Law Practice Group at Fox Rothschild, spoke about her professional experiences and growth in the field as part of the Virginia Journal of Law and Technology's Symposium "The Future of Fashion Law."
Jessica Lenahan
January 30, 2014
In a Jan. 29 talk, Jessica Lenahan (formerly Gonzales) discusses her landmark case, the first brought by a survivor of domestic violence against the United States before an international human rights tribunal.
Justice John Charles Thomas
January 27, 2014
Former Supreme Court Justice John Charles Thomas '75 urges vigilance to protect advances made by the Civil Rights Movement.
Panel of law school women
November 28, 2013
University of Virginia law professors Anne Coughlin and Molly Shadel, along with Sarah Buckley, editor-in-chief of the Virginia Law Review and Katie Rumbaugh, notes editor for the Virginia Law Review, discuss strategies for women to make the most of their law school careers.