News Archive

February 16, 2005
The next generation of lawyers must continue to fight for the constitutional rights of all citizens, especially considering the challenges posed to civil liberties by government security measures established after September 11, said ACLU President Nadine Strossen in her keynote address to the sixth annual Conference on Public Service & the Law Feb. 12.
January 31, 2005
Nadine Strossen, the President of the American Civil Liberties Union and a New York Law School professor, will deliver the keynote address at this year's Conference on Public Service & the Law, to be held Friday and Saturday, February 11-12.
March 30, 2004
The rapidly increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, one of the 20th century's wonder drugs, is happening because neither users nor makers have incentives to care about the problem, according to Ramanan Laxminarayan, a natural resources economist with Resources for the Future.
March 29, 2004
Although law firms are increasingly forming diversity committees and other initiatives to help cope with minority retention and recruitment, and clients are progressively demanding more diverse law firms, minority lawyers should realize they may need to be aggressive in seeking work and networking in their first years out of law school, according to a panel of attorneys who spoke at the Law School March 24 as part of Diversity Week.
March 25, 2004
The war on terror defies conventional legal structures for protecting individual rights and requires a new procedure for holding suspected terrorists that finds a middle ground between customary criminal justice and prisoner-of-war rules, according to a panel of professors and lawyers speaking at the J.B. Moore Society's conference on International Law and Practice in American Constitutionalism at the Law School.