Top Terrorism Experts to Address J.B. Moore Symposium

Top Terrorism Experts to Address J.B. Moore SymposiumPaul Pillar, National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia, and Ambassador W. Robert Pearson, Director General of the U.S. Foreign Service and former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, will headline a two-day symposium at the Law School designed to compare different countries' legal response to terrorism. Co-sponsored by the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College and the John Bassett Moore Society of International Law, the symposium, titled "Beyond the U.S. War on Terrorism: Comparing Domestic Legal Remedies to an International Dilemma," will be held Feb. 25-26 in Caplin Auditorium.

Featured speakers also include Ruth Wedgwood of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University and Fionnuala Ni Aolain, Director of the Transitional Justice Institute at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, as well as speakers from Lebanon, Israel, Pakistan, Chile, and members of the U.S. Armed Services. The program offers participants the opportunity to hear from leading terrorism experts from around the world.

The symposium will survey the legal mechanisms nations have used in responding both to the attacks of September 11 and their own terror-related experiences. The program's six panels will cover issues ranging from the legal definitions of "war" and "terrorism," to anti-terrorism legislation, torture, immigration law, and the law of war. Pillar will give the keynote address on Friday, Feb. 25 in Caplin Pavilion.

For more information and to register:Visit the J.B. Moore Web page at or contact symposium director Robert Kirsch, at @email or (434) 242-7056. PLEASE REGISTER BY FEB. 23.






10:45-12:00 PANEL I
The Power of Words: A Legal Analysis of "War" and "Terrorism"
Sponsored by the law firm of White & Case LLP
For years, academics, policy-makers, and concerned citizens from around the globe have spent a great deal of energy debating the definitional issues surrounding anti-terrorism measures. For some, the focus has been on the meaning of "terrorism" and who should, or should not, be included under any blanket definition of the term. In light of the Bush Administration's response to September 11, others have begun to challenge whether a War on Terrorism is truly a "war" and what that means from a legal perspective. These ongoing definitional debates raise significant legal issues both in the United States and abroad. Our first panel will explore these issues in greater detail.

Sami Zeidan, Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations
Agreeing to Disagree: Cultural Relativism and the Difficulty of Defining Terrorism in a Post-9/11 World

Kate Martin, Center for National Security Studies
A Constitutional Perspective on the Administration's "War on Terror"

Maj. Sean Watts, U.S. Army Judge Advocate General School
Effects-Based Lawyering: Legal Consequences of the United States' Response to 9/11

Panel Moderator
Professor Deena Hurwitz, University of Virginia School of Law


Sponsored by the law firm of Bryan Cave LLP

"Perceptions of Terrorism: Continuity and Change"
Paul Pillar, National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia

Paul Pillar was appointed National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia in October 2000 upon returning to the Intelligence Community from the Brookings Institution, where he was a Federal Executive Fellow. He joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1977 and served in a variety of analytical and managerial positions, including as chief of analytic units covering portions of the Near East, the Persian Gulf, and South Asia. He previously served in the National Intelligence Council as one of the original members of its Analytic Group. Pillar has been Executive Assistant to CIA's Deputy Director for Intelligence and Executive Assistant to Director of Central Intelligence William Webster. He headed the Assessments and Information Group of the DCI Counterterrorist Center, and from 1997 to 1999 was deputy chief of the center.

Pillar is a retired officer in the U.S. Army Reserve. He served on active duty in 1971-1973, including a tour of duty in Vietnam.

Pillar received an A.B. summa cum laude from Dartmouth College, a B.Phil. from Oxford University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton University. He is the author of Negotiating Peace (Princeton, 1983) and Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy (Brookings, 2001; second edition 2004).

1:30-2:45 PANEL II
September 11 and the Evolution of U.S. Law
As the U.S. Administration works to prevent future terrorist attacks against the United States, we have witnessed a growing tension between the need for national security and the preservation of civil liberties. Substantial changes have occurred in areas ranging from criminal investigations and immigration policies, to the structure of the intelligence community. As policymakers enact the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, it is time to ask ourselves what has worked so far and what has not.

Professor Ruth Wedgwood, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University
A Comparative Analysis of the U.S. Legal Response to 9/11

Mike German, Former Special Agent for the F.B.I.
Squaring the Error

Professor Fred Hitz, University of Virginia
The Deceptive Allure of Intelligence Reform

Panel Moderator
Professor Curtis Bradley, University of Virginia School of Law


3:00-4:45 PANEL III
The Trouble with Terrorism: Valuable Lessons From Europe
Whether one is speaking of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, Basque separatists in Spain, or the Red Army Faction in Germany, terrorism is anything but a new phenomenon in Europe. As European governments have struggled over the years to protect their citizens from political violence, they have faced similar challenges as the United States in its ongoing war with Al Qaeda. Panel III will explore the difficult lessons of Europe's past. By combining historical analysis with a discussion of current counter-terrorism strategies, the panel will attempt to identify potential building blocks for future U.S. policies.

Professor Karen Greenberg, NYU School of Law
The Transatlantic Legal Alliance

Professor Fionnuala Ni Aolain, University of Ulster
The Interface Between Emergencies and Terrorism: A Critical Assessment

Professor Rey Koslowski, Rutgers University
Europe and Transatlantic Cooperation on Migration, Mobility, and Security

Shawn Boyne, University of Wisconsin
Preserving the Rule of Law in a Time of Terror: The German Debate on Torture

Panel Moderator
Professor David Martin, University of Virginia School of Law


REGISTRATION(For those who did not attend Friday)


The Politics of Revolution: Terrorism in Latin America
Latin America provides a provocative case study in terrorism. Stained both by the attacks of nongovernmental terrorist organizations and political leaders willing to use terrorism as a tactic against their own people, Latin American history paints a vivid portrait of the dangers of terrorism and the dangers of oppressive government. By looking at the legal mechanisms used to combat the Shining Path in Peru and FARC in Colombia, this panel will identify valuable lessons that may inform current U.S. debates. Panel IV will also acknowledge what can happen when the restraint of civil liberties is taken too far in the name of national security.

Professor Andreas Feldmann, University of Chicago
A Resilient Scourge: A Historical Overview of Nongovernmental Terrorism in Latin America

Professor Robert Goldman, Washington College of Law, American University
How Not to Confront Terrorism: Fujimori's Anti-Terrorism Measures and Their Legacy

Steven Monblatt, Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism
The OAS Response to Terrorism

Panel Moderator
Professor Robert Turner, University of Virginia School of Law



Terrorism and the Islamic World: The Search for Understanding
Sponsored by the law firm of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
At a time when the international community remains focused on Al Qaeda and the rise of terrorism in the Islamic world, much has been made of terrorist activities in places such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Far less attention has been paid to the legal systems within these countries and the manner in which Southwest Asian governments have addressed the problem. Panel V will offer first-hand accounts of counter-terrorism measures taken throughout the region. This panel will also explore the complex relationship between martyrdom and Islamic law.

Ambassador W. Robert Pearson, U.S. Department of State
Democracy as the Cure for Terrorism: Turkey's Example

Hassan Abbas, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Fighting Terrorism in Pakistan: Legal Complications, Lack of Resources, and Lawlessness

Professor Jean-Francois Seznec, Columbia and Georgetown Universities
How to Lose Friends and Make Enemies: A Review of U.S.-Gulf State Relations

Professor Bernard Freamon, Seton Hall Law School
Understanding Islamic Conceptions of Martyrdom

Panel Moderator
Lt. Col. Paul Kantwill, U.S. Army Judge Advocate General School




Terrorism and the Law of the Battlefield
Historically, governments have had to decide whether terrorism was to be treated as a matter for criminal law enforcement, or as a mission for the military. As can be seen in the current War on Terrorism, both views can come into play. Panel VI focuses on those nations that rely heavily on their militaries in their counter-terrorism strategies. In looking at the U.S. response to Al Qaeda, the Russian struggle with Chechnya, and Israeli efforts to counter terrorism within its borders, Panel VI will explore the effectiveness of military operations targeting terrorist organizations, as well as the laws governing such operations.

Professor Mia Bloom, University of Cincinnati
Counter-Terrorism in Russia: How CT Can Exacerbate Terror

Lt. Col. Amos Guiora, Case Western Reserve School of Law
Legal Aspects of Counter-Terrorism

Col. Clyde J. Tate, II, U.S. Army, Staff Judge Advocate, Multi-National Corps, Iraq
Terrorism and the Law of War: An Operational Perspective

Panel Moderator
Col. Thomas McShane, U.S. Army War College




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