This book offers insights into the ever-changing parameters of family law. Recent approaches to nonmarital cohabitations are discussed, premarital and marital agreements, surrogacy and assisted reproduction in the context of the 2017 Uniform Parentage Act, and the evolution of same-sex marriage after Obergefell v. Hodges. The division of marital property and the presumptive status of child support formulae are discussed, as is federal expansive control over collection procedures. Recent cases and federal and state statutes are provided as illustration and the best interests of the child are defined through cases illustrating custody, termination of parental rights, and the possibility of adoption. The book seeks to provide the reader with a grasp of what is currently the law and provide a glimpse into where the law may be going.

Raymond C. O’Brien, Walter J. Wadlington & Robin Fretwell Wilson, Family Law in Perspective, Foundation Press (4 ed. 2018).