Class of 2009 Profile


Median GPA: 3.68 on a 4.0 scale
25%-75% GPA: 3.49–3.82
Median LSAT: 169 (97th percentile)
25%-75% LSAT: 167–171
Median Age: 24 (range is 18 to 55)

375 students enrolled from among 4,869 applicants
228 men (61%), 147 women (39%)
74 identify themselves as minority students (20%)

Geographic Representation Forty percent of University of Virginia law students are Virginia residents. Nonresident students come from 36 states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and six foreign countries. After Virginia, feeder states are California (24), New York (22), Texas (18) Maryland (17), Georgia (14), Florida (14), Connecticut (14), Pennsylvania (11), New Jersey (9), North Carolina (9), Tennessee (7), Ohio (6), Massachusetts (6), South Carolina (5), Kentucky (5), Michigan (4), Illinois (4), Missouri (4), Indiana (4), Alabama (4), Louisiana (4), Utah (3), Mississippi (3), Washington (3), Colorado (3), with the remainder from the District of Columbia, Arizona, Iowa, Arkansas, Kansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, the Virgin Islands, Vermont, and Maine. Our international students are citizens of South Korea, Romania, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Canada.

EDUCATION Thirty-three members of the class hold advanced degrees, including master’s degrees in education, history, English, art history, East Asian studies, journalism, international relations, urban studies, chemistry, math, rehabilitation counseling, civil engineering, American studies, international economic politics, population and development, electrical engineering, computer science, music, and European Union wine law. Three hold a Ph.D., in English, pathology, and American studies. Two are M.B.A.s and two are M.D.s.

Albion College
American University
American University of Paris
Amherst College
Appalachian State University
Baylor University
Bentley College
Binghamton University
Boston College
Boston University
Bowdoin College
Brigham Young University
Brooklyn College – CUNY
Brown University
Bryan College
Bucknell University
California State University – Sacramento
Campbell University
Carleton College
Centre College
Claremont McKenna College
Colby College 2
Colgate University 1
College of the Holy Cross 1
College of William and Mary 14
Colorado College 1
Columbia University 2
Cornell University 8
Dartmouth College 11
Davidson College 1
DePauw University 1
Dickinson College 1
Duke University 11
Emory University 5
Florida State University 4
Franciscan University of Steubenville 1
Franklin and Marshall College 1
Furman University 1
Georgetown University 6
Georgia Institute of Technology 2
Goucher College 1
Hampton University 1
Harding University 1
Harvard University 9
Howard University 1
Indiana University 1
Indiana Wesleyan University 1
Jacksonville University 1
James Madison University 6
Johns Hopkins University 1
Lee University 1
Louisiana State University 1
Macalester College 1
Marquette University 1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
Michigan State University 2
Middlebury College 3
New Jersey Institute of Technology 1
New York University 3
North Carolina State University 1
Northwestern University 3
Oberlin College 1
Ohio State University 2
Olin College of Engineering 1
Pennsylvania State University 2
Pepperdine University 2
Princeton University 9
Providence College 2
Purdue University 1
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2
Rice University 1
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 1
Rutgers 1
San Francisco State University 1
Seoul National University 1
Simpson College 1
Southern Methodist University 1
Stanford University 4
Stony Brook University 2
Swarthmore College 2
Texas A&M University 1
The Citadel 1
Trinity College 2
Trinity University – Washington, D.C. 1
Truman State University 1
Tufts University 3
Tulane University 2
United States Air Force Academy 1
United States Merchant Marine Academy 1
United States Military Academy 1
University of Alabama 1
University of Alberta 1
University of California – Berkeley 4
University of California – Irvine 1
University of California – Los Angeles 4
University of California – San Diego 1
University of Central Arkansas 1
University of Chicago 1
University of Colorado – Colorado Springs 1
University of Connecticut 2
University of Delaware 4
University of Florida 5
University of Georgia 3
University of Houston 1
University of Illinois 2
University of Iowa 1
University of Kentucky 1
University of Maryland – College Park 1
University of Maryland – University College 1
University of Mary Washington 1
University of Miami 1
University of Michigan 2
University of Minnesota 2
University of Mississippi 1
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill 8
University of North Carolina – Pembroke 1
University of Notre Dame 8
University of Pennsylvania 8
University of Richmond 3
University of Rochester 1
University of San Francisco 1
University of South Carolina 2
University of Southern California 2
University of Tennessee 1
University of Texas – Austin 4
University of Texas – Dallas 1
University of Utah 1
University of Vermont 1
University of Virginia 40
University of Washington 1
Vanderbilt University 4
Virginia Commonwealth University 1
Virginia Military Institute 1
Virginia Tech 3
Wake Forest University 5
Washington and Lee University 5
Washington University 1
Wellesley College 4
Wesleyan University 1
Western Illinois University 1
Wheaton College 1
Williams College 4
Yale University 10


Members of the class have lived, worked, or studied all over the world, including in the United Kingdom, throughout western Europe, and in Nigeria, India, Benin, Romania, Senegal, Ghana, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, South Africa, Australia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Russia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Argentina, Costa Rica, Afghanistan, Israel, Georgia, the Czech Republic, Syria, Haiti, Turkey, Ecuador, Kuwait, Finland, South Korea, Singapore, Peru, Thailand, Fiji, Uruguay, Mexico, Morocco, Iran, Egypt, Zambia, Mozambique, Pakistan, Honduras, Bolivia, Brazil, and Greece.

WELL ROUNDED The class’s volunteer, extracurricular, athletic, and artistic pursuits include service with the Peace Corps, Americorps/VISTA, Teach for America, Habitat, AARP, public broadcasting, the Children’s Defense Fund, and numerous food kitchens and homeless shelters; work with victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; animal rescue; tutoring in schools, prisons, and in ESL; work on the Sioux and Cherokee reservations; service with Legal Aid and medical clinics both in the United States and abroad; work with AIDS outreach, the Special Olympics, CASA, and Amnesty International; training therapy dogs; tutoring and providing legal assistance to migrant farmworkers; teaching autistic children; service as EMTs and firefighters; and involvement in numerous faith-based activities. Many have been to the Gulf Coast assisting with post-Katrina rebuilding efforts. On campus, they have been Mock Trial Team captains and coaches; editors of campus newspapers at Johns Hopkins, Princeton, the University of Texas - Dallas, and Trinity College; resident advisers; fundraisers for the alumni office; campus tour guides; chairs of college honor councils or student judiciary; debaters; student body presidents at the Olin College of Engineering, Colorado College, and Wellesley; and student members of the Board of Trustees at Virginia Tech, Western Illinois, and Cornell. They fly airplanes and helicopters; sing and play instruments; publish in literary magazines and scientific journals; act, dance, and choreograph; and play all the usual and some not-so-usual sports, many at the varsity level and as team captains. One appeared on “Jeopardy” this year; one has been interviewed by Sam Donaldson; and one has made a documentary film. We have a tennis pro, a juggler, a horse trainer, and a Colonial Williamsburg performer.

IN THE REAL WORLD Many members of the class have been legal assistants or paralegals, mostly at large law firms, but also for the Department of Justice, the National Football League, and litigation support firms. A number have taught elementary or secondary school, some with Teach for America; one is a former assistant professor at the University of Illinois; and several students have taught overseas, in Japan, China, the Marshall Islands, England, Korea, the Bahamas, and Chile. Students have been researchers, consultants, or analysts with firms such as Accenture, Delloite & Touche, National Economic Research Associates, the Corporate Board, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, IBM, General Electric, McKinsey, Capital One, and Berenson, and for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Fannie Mae, the El Pomar Foundation, the Social Security Advisory Board, the George C. Marshall Foundation, and the Open Society Institute. Among those with political experience, we can count a legislative correspondent for U.S. Rep. Bob Beauprez; staffers for the House Judiciary Committee, the House Financial Services Committee, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; the press secretary for Sen. Olympia Snowe; a speechwriter for Gov. Mitt Romney and Sen. Susan Collins, and the deputy director of communications for the Missouri Secretary of State. From the world of science and technology, we enrolled a systems engineer from SAIC; a programmer for Carnegie-Mellon; an Intel design engineer; several IT consultants, technology directors, and software engineers; a systems analyst for Liberty Mutual; a systems engineer for the Patent Office; a computer scientist who tested missile guidance software for nuclear subs; a student with experience in the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab’s planetary robotics division; and one who has worked in the Lawrence Livermore nuclear fusion lab. We have structural, electrical, and environmental engineers, at least one of whom holds a patent. Two members of the class are medical doctors, one in internal medicine just finishing a postdoctoral fellowship in cardiology, and one a neurosurgeon. A number of students have served or are on active duty with the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps; some have returned from recent service in Iraq and Afghanistan. We also have CPAs; a college writing instructor; an international tax consultant; a museum curator; a copy editor; five newspaper reporters or editors, including one in Lahore, Pakistan, and one in Tbilisi, Georgia; two grocery store managers; a deckhand on an Australian shark research vessel; a professional guitarist and teacher; three CIA analysts, one of whom was the CIA duty officer in the White House Situation Room; an ExxonMobil contractor on Sakhalin Island, Russia; a vocational rehabilitation counselor; a merchant mariner; a securities dealer; a mate on a Bering Sea fishing vessel; a licensed insurance agent; an acquisitions law librarian; a college admissions counselor; a director of an asset-management firm in Switzerland; and a trumpeter with the U.S. Marine Band.

Class of 2008 Profile