News Archive

February 28, 2017
Loretta Lynch, who served recently as U.S. attorney general under President Barack Obama, has been selected by the University of Virginia to receive this year's Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Law.
August 24, 2016
The accomplished Class of 2019 officially began its journey in legal studies today at the University of Virginia School of Law with the start of first-year classes. "Law school is going to create opportunities for you that you can't yet even imagine," Dean Risa Goluboff told the class during Monday
August 15, 2016
A wave of employers and students took over the University of Virginia School of Law last week as part of On-Grounds Interview season, which started Aug. 8 and ends today. Each fall, hundreds of employers from across the nation come to the school to conduct more than 5,500 interviews of second-year
April 12, 2016
UVA Co-Rec Gold won the division championship game Sunday at the 33rd annual North Grounds Softball League Invitational. Despite the cool and windy weather, more than 1,300 students and alumni from around the country gathered at the University of Virginia School of Law for the tournament. The event
March 29, 2016
For more than a century, the annual student send-up of life at the University of Virginia School of Law known as the Libel Show has left attendees holding their sides — whether from too much laughter, or from the actual puncture wounds of being skewered. As always, this year's installment, "Libel
March 24, 2015
They danced, they sang, they skewered: The 107th Libel Show sends up law school culture and involves a student cast and crew of more than 100. We offer a behind-the-scenes photo slideshow of the dress rehearsal action. The show, “The Spy Who Libeled Me,” runs March 26-28. The musical sketch comedy