Kristyn Medina '11 Takes on Tax Shelters

As a research assistant to Professor George Yin, I will be conducting research on a variety of tax issues during the upcoming summer months. The main focus of my work is researching and identifying tax shelters, or transactions aimed at tax avoidance. This area of the tax law continues to feature prominently on the legislative agenda, as the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury work to discover transactions and develop corresponding penalties for taxpayers and their advisors.

Kristyn Medina

For example, in May, President Obama called upon Congress to close existing loopholes in the tax code, which allow corporations and wealthy individuals investing in off-shore jurisdictions to shirk their tax obligations. Through my research, I hope to become more familiar with the expanding legal regime governing tax shelters, as well as the opportunities that make these transactions attractive to taxpayers. Going forward, I plan to focus a significant part of my law school curriculum on tax courses. I hope the research and tax knowledge I garner this summer will allow me to be more successful in the field. 

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