Leslie Kendrick

Leslie Kendrick is the 13th dean of the University of Virginia School of Law. She is an expert on torts and freedom of speech whose work has appeared in the Harvard Law Review, Yale Law Journal, Columbia Law Review, Michigan Law Review, Law & Philosophy, Legal Theory, and Philosophy & Public Affairs, among other journals. She is co-author of the casebook Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress, with John C. P. Goldberg, Anthony J. Sebok and Benjamin C. Zipursky. Kendrick is a recipient of the University of Virginia’s All-University Teaching Award and the Law School’s Carl McFarland Prize for outstanding research by a junior faculty member.

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Meet the Dean

Learn more about Dean Kendrick and what makes UVA Law School a special place.

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Leslie Kendrick speaks at orientation.

Orientation on Free Speech

During the fall 2023 orientation, Dean Kendrick discusses First Amendment policies, and the law and norms of free speech in the law school education process. 


UVA Grounds

Free Speech on Grounds

Dean Kendrick discusses free speech and the advancement of academic freedom at UVA during the Law School Foundation’ Alumni Board and Council luncheon in 2023.


Leslie Kendrick delivers the Charge to the Class

Charge to the Class

Dean Kendrick offers parting words of advice to graduating students during the Charge to the Class of 2022. 
